Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Check Website on Multiple Browsers

As a website tester you have the ability to create a bug free website. Unfortunately, you do not have the ability to control which internet browsers will be using to view your site. Because each browser behaves differently you will need to test your projects on multiple browsers.

In most of cases the variation from one browser to another will be minor, and probably will not even be noticeable to the most of visitor. However, sometimes your site will be crash or have major problems in a particular browser. The best way to be sure that your site is usable in different browsers is sufficient testing.

Is there any way to Test Your Website in Different Browsers?

You should be familiar with which browsers are most commonly used by your visitors. After all, you’ll want to make those browsers the biggest priority.

Once you have to know which browsers are most commonly used by visitors after that you should focus your efforts on those browsers. You can easily install several different browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Netscape, but there are huge amount of browsers available you will never be able to install them all. So you will need the help of specific tools.

BrowserShots – Test your website in different browsers. BrowserShots creates screenshots of your pages in a wide variety of browsers and displays them for testing. It also has several additional options.

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